Grŵp Cynefin Home Energy Upgrade Scheme Information
Welsh Government Funded Home Energy Improvements
Optimised RetroFit (ORP) is a whole house, pragmatic, approach to decarbonising existing homes. It is far more sophisticated and bespoke than previous schemes. It takes into account the fabric or materials homes are made from and the way we heat and store energy. It also takes into account how energy reaches our homes.
It is open to Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) and local authorities (LAs) to install a variety of home decarbonisation measures in existing social housing stock.
The proposed new standard encourages landlords to consider issues around affordable warmth and decarbonisation across their whole stock to produce a plan for each home undertaking retrofit.
ORP adopts a progressive and adaptable approach to decarbonising homes. This approach allows for the exploration of innovative and entrepreneurial methods, ensuring effective and efficient decarbonisation strategies are implemented.
ORP supports approaches to the decarbonisation of homes which enables the wider necessary infrastructure to be addressed ensuring issues such as skills development, procurement, finance models, material selections and the foundational economy are all considered and developed.
ORP underpins Welsh Government’s ongoing development of retrofit policy and practice across all sectors. ORP seeks to understand the best value combination of fabric, space, water heating, energy, improvements for individual properties and set out a route to net zero for each home.
How Grŵp Cynefin Tenants Benefit
Our approach is to target our homes that require the biggest improvements first. Based on energy efficiency rating participating homes will be contacted by Cyd Innovation for a Energy Efficiency Survey (also called a Retrofit Assessment). The results of the survey will be fed back to the Asset Management Team. Homes that will receive energy efficiency improvements will be notified and introduced to the appointed contractor, Wall-Lag Ltd.
The ORP scheme can fund insulation, heating improvements such as Air Source Heat Pumps, modern High Heat Retention Storage Heaters, Solar Panels as well as more innovative measures that we are keen to bring to fruition.
Participating homes will receive a letter from Cyd Innovation Innovation inviting the tenant to arrange a Retrofit Assessment at the earliest possible date. Assessments can be booked by calling Cyd Innovation on 01352 748876.
The scheme will be running throughout 2023 and, due to restrictions set by government, is time limited.