Every effort will be made to make the customer experience a positive one. In the event something is not to your satisfaction please contact us via one of the channels listed below so we can try and put it right.
How to make a complaint
Telephone 01352 758812
Email enquiries@wall-lag.co.uk
Social Media (facebook/walllag)
Resident Liaison Officer mobile or email 9am-5pm Mon - Fri / 10am-4pm Sat
What happens next
Once you have made your complaint it will be acknowledged by phone/email within 3 hours or the next working day.
All complaints are passed to Wall-Lag’s Senior Managers who agree and action immediate resolution.
The Resident Liaison Officer will provide ongoing updates to the resident with a target of the complaint being resolved within 24 hours wherever possible.
If the complaint cannot be resolved within 24 hours, you will be informed of our intended actions and timescales.
All actions will be followed up with regular updates to the resident until the complaint is fully resolved.
Maximum time frame for complaint resolution is 5 working days.
Each resident receives a customer satisfaction survey which are collated, recorded, analysed, and monitored by senior management to identify areas for continuous improvement. If poor scores are received, our RLO will contact the resident to discuss the negative feedback so that appropriate action can be taken to resolve the issue to the resident’s full satisfaction.